Great typography tool – writing with a stick.

I like to write with a stick but it wasn’t always like that. At art school, it was a nightmare. At typography lesson, my professor asked us to make our own writing stick and write the favourite quote in gothic style. It only sounds easy.

How to make your own writing tool? Any wood stick from the park or the used paintbrush will do but personally, I prefer Chinese food sticks. Every time I’m at the restaurant I steal a pair. They’re much harder and not that easy to break or flexible like tree sticks.

When you finally find a stick, it’s time to cut it. Use a razor knife and cut the stick from both sides to create a thin, flat tip (see the picture).



It’s very difficult at the beginning, so start with one type font and practise individually every letter. After you try different fonts, then will be time for making your own style and believe me, it’s fun!

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